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Fixing The Uploading Queue Issue
Fixing The Uploading Queue Issue
Yurii avatar
Written by Yurii
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If you’re experiencing issues with the uploading queue in the Jamworks app being stuck, follow the steps below to resolve the problem:

Step 1: Refresh the App

  1. Launch the Jamworks app.

  2. Refresh the app by clicking on the Save icon -> click on "Reload the app" button. Alternatively, you can do that by pressing Ctrl+R (on Windows devices) or Cmd+R (on macOS devices) on your keyboard when the Jamworks application is launched.

  3. If refreshing doesn’t resolve the issue, try restarting the application by closing it completely and launching it again.

  4. In some cases, a device reboot might be required, so we also suggest trying that.

Step 2: Download Recording Chunks

If the first step didn’t work, you can recover your recordings by manually downloading the recording chunks stored on your device:

  1. Open the Jamworks desktop app.

  2. Locate the "Save" icon in the top-right corner of the app (see the screenshot below for reference).

  3. Click the icon to download the chunks of your recordings to your device.

  4. Locate the option to download the recording chunks as a zip archive by clicking on the names of the recordings you'll see there.

Step 3: Upload the Zip File to the Website

  1. Visit our website and log in -

  2. Use the Upload Media button to upload the downloaded zip files.

  3. This should restore your recordings that were stuck in uploading in Jamworks application, as you upload them manually on the website. Please note that we recommend uploading one zip archive at a time.

Step 4: Verify Your Recordings

  1. Once your zip files are uploaded, check your recording list ( to ensure that:

    • You can play the recordings that were stuck in uploading previously.

    • The AI materials, your notes, and other metadata are present for these recordings.

    • You are satisfied with the results.

Step 5: Delete Non-Uploaded Materials

  1. Within the Jamworks app, use the Delete Non-Uploaded Materials button to remove any stuck non-uploaded files and clear your Uploading Queque

    • Launch the Jamworks app.

    • Click on the Save icon -> click on "Delete non-uploaded materials" button.

    This action is permanent, it is recommended to consult with support before proceeding.

    By clearing data on your device, the following will occur:

    • Non-uploaded materials: All non-uploaded materials will be permanently deleted. Ensure you've downloaded any important non-uploaded recordings before proceeding.

    • Logout: As a result of clearing the data on your device you will be logged out of your account. You can log back in afterward.

    This action is recommended only if your uploading queue within Jamworks app is stuck, you’ve already downloaded the chunks, and no other troubleshooting steps have resolved the issue.

  2. Additionally, you can delete the old, unuploaded recordings that were stuck in Jamworks app from your recording list at These will be identified as recordings with:

    • 0 highlights.

    • No AI materials.

    • No playback functionality.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve any issues with the uploading queue and maintain a clean and organized recording list in the Jamworks app.

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